Monday, March 21, 2011

Taiji, Japan - From the Cove to the Tsunami

It would seem that the Academy Award winning film ‘The Cove’ put an end to the senseless dolphin slaughter, but it did not. This past hunting season started in September of 2010 and ended prematurely in February of 2011. For the entire season, Sea Shepherd Conservation Society had the Cove Guardians present in Taiji to video, document and protest the dolphin holocaust on a daily basis. Scott West and his daughter, Elora West, were there for the first half of the season. Libby Katsinis and Nicole McLachlan were on guard for the second half. Many others from around the world volunteered as Cove Guardians. Toward the latter of  the season Save Japan Dolphins had monitors visit The Cove, as well. You can see many of their blogs via the links provided on the far right of this page entitled, “Previous Guardians.”

Most of the locals in Japan were very kind to the Cove Guardians. Many even thanked the Guardians for their courage and devotion. Some gave them gifts and a few traveled from other parts of Japan to volunteer. The majority of Japan consists of good decent people. When the fisherman of Taiji profess their inhumanity, they attribute their evil misdeeds to Japanese culture. This is very misleading, for it creates the illusion that all Japanese people are evil. In turn, the murderers of Taiji can point a finger at ‘The Cove’ movie and call it racist propaganda. You can read some or the Japanese citizens’ blogs via the link list on the far right entitled, “Japanese Warriors.”

The Egyptians had a culture of enslaving the Hebrews. They practiced their culture for 400 years and it was perfectly legal by their own law. The Roman Empire had culture. The Nazis had culture. So what! In today’s civilized world, killing and enslaving dolphins is not acceptable even under the guise of culture.
The Guardians continued their watch in March along with Mr. Scott West, who had returned to Japan. When the earthquake and tsunami hit, all communication with the Guardians and a Monitor was lost. Some time had passed before we heard of their well-being.

The Cove Guardians will be on the ground in Taiji come September. They have had an impact on the killings and will be there next season to help bring this atrocity to an end. If are able to join them as a Cove Guardian, completely at your own expense, please send an email to Meanwhile, here is what y0u can do. Also, please sign my petition Here. (Holise Cleveland III)

For the rest of this story: please go Here:

For The Love of Dolphins

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For The Love of Dolphins