Tuesday, August 30, 2011

SeaWorld TIED Directly to the Annual Dolphin Slaughter in Taiji Japan

The filmmaker, Stanley M. Minasian, is dedicated to educating the public on these and other critical issues, and is fully supportive of any efforts made to help these animals that have no voice of their own. And remember, there is nothing that you might choose to do that is so small that it won’t make a difference.  It all matters – from signing petitions to showing up in person in Taiji – it will help.

Below is the trailer of this visually stunning movie, for the full free version A Fall From Freedom

Narrated by Mike Farrell (M*A*S*H, Providence), A Fall From Freedom digs deep into the history of the captive dolphin and whale industry. Topics covered in the film include:
-Sea World representatives secretly promoted the Japanese dolphin drives where thousands of animals are driven to shore and brutally killed, in order to provide their parks with replacement animals, says Dr. John Hall, former Sea World biologist.
-There is no educational value to having whales or dolphins in a captive environment, states former Sea World biologist Dr. John Hall and former Sea World killer whale trainer Dr. John Jett.
-Contrary to the claims of many marine parks and aquariums, captive killer whales die far more frequently and at a far earlier age than they do in the wild, says Dr. Naomi Rose, biologist for Humane Society International.
-Sea World has been involved in illegal and unethical actions to assure their parks are well stocked with killer whales, states former Sea World biologist Dr. John Hall.
-The Alliance of Marine Mammal Parks and Aquariums has worked tirelessly to reduce government oversight on the health and well-being of captive whales and dolphins, states Dr. Naomi Rose.
-Sea World representatives have claimed that whales and dolphins are not highly intelligent, sophisticated, and social animals. Dr. Lori Marino, a leading expert on killer whale intelligence and social dynamics, asserts that their intelligence and social dependence is second only to humans.
-Sea World and other marine parks claimed that the rehabilitation and release back to the wild of Keiko, star of the Free Willy movie, was a failure from the start. Dave Phillips of the Free Willy-Keiko Foundation argues that the project was a rousing success, which proved that these animals can be taken from captivity, rehabilitated and returned to the wild.
For Original Story: Reprinted from http://blog.seattlepi.com

Stay Passionate

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Dolphin Midwives and Underwater Birth

Igor Charkovsky, a Russian male mid-wife has assisted in over 20,000 underwater births, but in 1979 he began experiments with dolphins and children. His daughter, one of the first modern water-birthers, was in her late twenties when the following incident happened. Charkovsky and his team had taken a woman to the Black Sea in Israel for an underwater birth. In two feet of water, preparing for the birth, suddenly three dolphins approached, pushed everyone out of the way and took over. They scanned the length of her body (with sonar?), which somehow relaxed the mother and child and gave birth with no pain or fear. Apparently all the human midwives were pretty shocked though. This opened up the new practice of ‘Dolphin mid-wivery’ which may sound strange, but fits in with the new breed of super-children that are currently coming in to existence.

For some reason, dolphins are attracted to pregnant women and young children and as most people are aware, the dolphins can also help heal people with mental and psychological problems. But the children, who are being born with the aid of dolphins, at least with the cases documented in Russia, are extraordinary children. Most of the have IQ’s of over 150 (genius range again), plus extremely stable emotional bodies and strong physical bodies. They are superior in one way or another.

The below video shows a dolphin assisting a mother in giving birth underwater

There are videos that document these babies and children up to age three, sleeping on the bottom of swimming pools. They even come up for air whilst still asleep and turn their heads over the surface of the water, take a breath, then go back to the bottom. It is as though this is their natural home. Some people call them ‘Homodolphinus’ , because they seem to have the characteristics of humans and dolphins. Water is becoming their natural environment, plus they are also super intelligent.

There is ample evidence that humans once had a much more intrinsic connection with water. Charkovsky believes that mans close affinity with aquatic animals can be explained by our common origins in water in our mammalian history. In the book The Aquatic Ape, Elaine Morgan gives a fascinating account of the aquatic theory of evolution. According to Morgan, our aquatic affinity goes back millions of years to the Pilocene age, when our ape ancestors lived a semi-aquatic life on the coastline to escape the extreme heat which occurred due to climatic change. By wading in the sea, our ancestors began to walk upright and lost their body hair and developed a layer of sub-cutaneous fat like other aquatic mammals, to protect them from the cooler temperatures of the water. Today, we still have this layer of sub-cutaneous fat.

Source: Wake Up World 

Stay Passionate
Dolphins Love Us

Monday, August 15, 2011

Who Do You Think You Are? Countdown to #TheCove

Who Do You Think You Are?
Reprinted with permission from: Save Misty The Dolphin

 AP Photo of Taiji dolphin hunters and their prey

As the days leading to September 1 dwindle down to a mere handful, the thoughts of caring people the world over turn to a small coastal village in the southern portion of Japan.  Taiji, made famous by the Academy-award winning documentary, The Cove, is ground zero for the annual slaughter of hundreds to thousands of dolphins.  

The footage in the youtube video, Who Do You Think You Are? is straight from Taiji. Warning: Graphic pictures

The numbers of the Taiji dolphin hunters are small -- less than 30.  Yet, armed with high-tech equipment, they are able to round-up and drive large pods of dolphins from their peaceful migration route in the Pacific Ocean into the shallow waters of the killing cove.  Most of the dolphins who are trapped in the cove will face a bloody death.  A small percentage will escape the spear only to face a lonely life as a performer in a dolphin show.  Dolphin trainers literally come into the Cove and hand pick dolphins to be trained.  From September 2010 to March 2011, 850 dolphins were killed in the Cove.  Another 171 were sold into slavery.
During the 2010-2011 hunt, activists were in Taiji throughout the season.  Their powerful videos and photos graphically depicted the shocking brutality of the Cove.  This year, the dolphin hunters will be supported by enhanced police and coast guard protection.
Now, more than ever, the dolphins of Taiji need YOUR support.  Please become a part of the international movement to stop the slaughter once and for all.  YOU can make a difference.  Here is how:
  1. Watch The Cove movie & share it with a friend.  Become a part of the world’s largest home screening of The Cove on September 1 by signing-up at:  
  2. Worldwide Screening of the Cove Movie on September 1, 2011
  3. Join in a peaceful protest or rally at Japanese Embassies & Consulates around the world on September 1 as part of the International Day of Awareness for the Dolphins of Taiji 
  4. Sign and share our Petition
  5. Call your Japanese Embassy and tell them to STOP the Taiji dolphin slaughter today:
In the United States call:  202-238-6700
In the United Kingdom call:  020-7465-6500
In Canada call: 613-241-8541
In Australia call: 61-2-6273-3244 
In France call: 01-48-88-62-00
In Germany call: 030-21094-0
In Italy call:  39-06-487-991
In Norway call: 47-22-99-16-00
In New Zealand call: 04-473-1540
Contact information for all other countries can be found here: 

It has been said that one person, giving all of their time to peace, makes news. Many people, giving some of their time, can make history.  Let’s make history together.  The water of the Taiji cove needs to stay blue - now and forever.  YOU can help make that happen #DolphinsLoveUs ><((((º> ♥°°°♫ ♫ .

Stay Passionate 
Dolphins Love Us on FB 

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Count Down to #TheCove - World-Wide Telephone Protest

Taken and reposted directly from FaceBook

05 August at 09:00 - 02 September at 12:00
Facebook /Telephone Protest
Created by:
Kirsten Massebeau

On September 1st 26 dolphin hunters, and the horrific Whale Museum open their Season . Each year 1000's of dolphins are slaughtered and captured for dolphinariums world wide in "The Cove" . Their methods of killing are cruel beyond the imagination as seen in the newly released video by Dieter Hagmann as he goes behind the blue tarp to film a dolphins worst nightmare (warning: graphic and disturbing) http://www.atlanticblue.de​/neu/atlanticblue_01.html

On September 1st the world is standing up for Dolphins. There are 24 Events listed on Save Japan Dolphins and more are being organized everyday.

For the rest of August let us call the Japanese Embassies Monday thru Friday World Wide. Let's make them aware that the world now knows the truth about Taiji, and how they are abusing, and brutally murdering the sacred dolphins.

Urge Japan stop the 26 dolphin hunters and the Whale Museum from bringing shame on Japan!

Australia + 61 (0) 262 7332 3244

Brazil +556134424200

Canada +1 613 241 8541

Ireland 3153 (0) 1 202 8300

India 00-91-11-2687-6581/
Japan 03-3224-5000

London + 44 (0) 207 465 6500

Mexico +525552110028

Netherlands +31703469544

New Zealand + 64 (0) 4 473 1540

France +33148886200

Italy +39-06-487-991

South Africa + 27 (0) 12 452 1500

Spain +34915907600

Sweden +46771235235

Thailand 02-207-8500 / 02-696-3000

Venezuela +81456632988

Washington D.C. +1202-238-6900

Contact Japan Directly - Phone Numbers and Emails

Contact Emails for Japanese Universities

Contact Emails for Japanese Embassy's Around the World

When you are contacting the Embassies please use this phrase: Iruka-No-Kokyo (it means, please do not kill dolphins)
Sample Open Letter to Japanese Consulate

The Dolphin Hunters do not care that they are brutally slaughtering pregnant females, babies and young dolphins. They Have No Voice, They Need Yours ><((((º> ♥°°°♫ ♫ .

Dolphins Love Us
DolphinsLoveUs on Facebook