Reprinted from Facebook: Sea Shepherd
The Tragedy that is #TheCove Taiji Japan must be brought to World Wide Attention to motivate people to take action against the brutal slaughter and capture of dolphins by a few greedy men. Dolphins are not fish..they are second in intelligence only to humans. We Must Speak on Their behalf, we must protect them and our Oceans. Humanity needs to step up and STOP THIS NOW!
Monday, December 17, 2012
Be Informed ~ When You Support #SeaWorld you Support This Horror in Taiji Japan
When you BUY A TICKET to Seaworld, a Swim With
Dolphins Program, or support any Entertainment Venue that has captive
Reprinted from Facebook: Sea Shepherd
Reprinted from Facebook: Sea Shepherd
I Weep With This Beautiful Whale Who Lost Her Life
"We lost a diamond from the sky.", while addressing this recent Great One of our Watery Spaces, who had been beached in Denmark , had just had her life stolen.
I see a puddle of tears pooling below her compassionate eye. I am understanding her tears were shed not for herself, but for those who stole her life through wrong thinking, which directly or indirectly led to wrong choices and actions. She weeps tears for them, as she knows they have yet again lost an opportunity to use her plight of being in need of rescue, as an opportunity for them to rescue themselves.
If having made the right choice to come together, as one family, one community, one nation while having co-created a plan with her and the Great Mystery that would rescue her, in essence, they would truly have started the process of helping to rescue themselves.
what her family has suffered time and time again due to a society's lack
of compassio
n and awareness and greed,
she still choose to forgive and then to grace another opportunity for a
people to make a deposit in their Karmic Bank, simply by using right
thinking and right choice.
I release salted tears this moment into my
watery spaces here, while reflecting in quite reverence her plight as
well as for the recent fateful plight of the other children of God. By
her Grace, she holds with her tears, a collective of tears within that
blessed, sacred pool below her compassion filled eye; the tears also
shed by all of you; Liked-minded, compassion filled Hearts striving to
help her world and ours to heal. Tears shed by all of us who find
ourselves connected with her, The Great Mystery, and all others
traveling together within an "endless-loop-of-love".
Bless her
plight and the plight of the other children who were stolen from us
while eternally taking moments to remember her and the other children,
for we are only dead, when we are forgotten. MCH
Reprinted from a FaceBook Post ><((((º> ♥°°°
Bless her plight and the plight of the other children who were stolen from us while eternally taking moments to remember her and the other children, for we are only dead, when we are forgotten. MCH
I am weeping with this beautiful soul who lost her life yesterday ~
Stay Passionate
Jackie Bigford
Dolphins Love Us Facebook Page
Dolphins Love Us Twitter
Saturday, December 15, 2012
URGENT CALL TO ACTION: Save Beached Endangered HumpBack Whale
Taken from a Facebook Campaign and sharing everywhere to try and save this beautiful mind of the sea
***PLEASE TAKE ACTION NOW (!). The authorities in Texel (Netherlands) do NOT want rescue org try to save him!
Fax: +31 (0)222 362287
Phone: +31 (0)222 36 21 21
***PLEASE TAKE ACTION NOW (!). The authorities in Texe
l (Netherlands) do not want rescue org try to save him!
Fax: (0)222 362287 Phone: (0)222 36 21 21 E-mail:
***Here's an e-mail that could be sent:~
To whom it may concern!
I am so shocked about you not letting the real experts try to save the stranded, endangered humpback whale. Did you know untrained villagers in Bali managed to do this unaided?
It is all over facebook and we are already aware that Dolfinarium Harderwijk are NOT competent to take ANY decisions about stranded whales! The Dutch authorities are being laughed at.
Thousands of people from all over the world are now following this, contacting media, and much more.
I urge you to let the rescue orgs such as The Black Fish, Sea Shepherd and others do their job at the spring tide tonight!
The world is watching you!
Fax: (0)222 362287 Phone: (0)222 36 21 21 E-mail:
***Here's an e-mail that could be sent:~
To whom it may concern!
I am so shocked about you not letting the real experts try to save the stranded, endangered humpback whale. Did you know untrained villagers in Bali managed to do this unaided?
It is all over facebook and we are already aware that Dolfinarium Harderwijk are NOT competent to take ANY decisions about stranded whales! The Dutch authorities are being laughed at.
Thousands of people from all over the world are now following this, contacting media, and much more.
I urge you to let the rescue orgs such as The Black Fish, Sea Shepherd and others do their job at the spring tide tonight!
The world is watching you!
Please share this everywhere, with all of your networks, we need to move quickly to save this beautiful humpback whale
The story continues: Dolfinarium Harderwijk vets tried to euthanize him last night but he's still alive and kicking! So much so they've decided it's too dangerous to get near him to try again. Tonight is a spring tide, meaning it'll be higher than usual, she has one more chance to live.
Stay Passionate
Never Ever Give Up
Jackie Bigford
Dolphins Love Us Facebook
Dolphins Love Us Twitter
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Endangered Orcas Playing December 3rd, 2012
The endangered Southern Resident Killer
Whales visited Vashon and Maury Islands on December 3, 2012, searching
for salmon. As they passed Point Robinson, they burst into playful
antics that have to be seen to be believed: cartwheels, breaches, tail
slaps, spyhops, and beautiful synchronized swimming in their tightly
knit family groups.
These orcas are free to roam where they please, unlike the ones in marine circuses like Seaworld, and they never leave their mothers. They remain in closely bonded matrilineal family groups for their entire lives, which can last over 100 years for females and over 60 years for males. They swim up to 100 miles per day.
These orcas are endangered because Seaworld got its start decades ago by capturing and selling one-third of them -- specifically targeting the babies, taking an entire generation and killing many of their mothers, who were trying desperately to protect them. (All but one of those young captured whales died in Seaworld's barren concrete tanks within a few years. The sole survivor is Lolita at the Miami Seaquarium, imprisoned alone for 42 years in a tiny bathtub-sized tank.) The population of the Southern Resident Killer Whales has never recovered to its precapture numbers, and these beloved orcas of Puget Sound remain critically endangered.
Please DO NOT give your money to Seaworld, the Miami Seaquarium, or any other marine circus. Not one of them can give these highly intelligent cetaceans even a shred of the freedom and families they were torn from. Instead, please come watch wild whales in their REAL sea world: the ocean.
Reprinted from uploaded Youtube Video:
Stay Passionate
Never Be Quiet
Never Give Up
Jackie Bigford
Facebook Page ~ Dolphins Love Us
Twitter ~ Dolphins Love Us
These orcas are free to roam where they please, unlike the ones in marine circuses like Seaworld, and they never leave their mothers. They remain in closely bonded matrilineal family groups for their entire lives, which can last over 100 years for females and over 60 years for males. They swim up to 100 miles per day.
These orcas are endangered because Seaworld got its start decades ago by capturing and selling one-third of them -- specifically targeting the babies, taking an entire generation and killing many of their mothers, who were trying desperately to protect them. (All but one of those young captured whales died in Seaworld's barren concrete tanks within a few years. The sole survivor is Lolita at the Miami Seaquarium, imprisoned alone for 42 years in a tiny bathtub-sized tank.) The population of the Southern Resident Killer Whales has never recovered to its precapture numbers, and these beloved orcas of Puget Sound remain critically endangered.
Please DO NOT give your money to Seaworld, the Miami Seaquarium, or any other marine circus. Not one of them can give these highly intelligent cetaceans even a shred of the freedom and families they were torn from. Instead, please come watch wild whales in their REAL sea world: the ocean.
Reprinted from uploaded Youtube Video:
Stay Passionate
Never Be Quiet
Never Give Up
Jackie Bigford
Facebook Page ~ Dolphins Love Us
Twitter ~ Dolphins Love Us
Friday, November 23, 2012
World Wide Dolphin Rallies Nov. 23-25th 2012
9 Rallies for Dolphins and Whales in 7 cities *This Weekend*
Rallies this weekend (Nov,23-25) to shed light for the Dolphins & Whales of Taiji, Japan.
Cities: Canberra, London, LosAngeles, Miami, Milano, SaoPaulo, Vancouver, Texas and Tokyo.
Help us to spread the word!!!! Be part of it!!!! Details posted for each city on Facebook
Rallies this weekend (Nov,23-25) to shed light for the Dolphins & Whales of Taiji, Japan.
Cities: Canberra, London, LosAngeles, Miami, Milano, SaoPaulo, Vancouver, Texas and Tokyo.
Help us to spread the word!!!! Be part of it!!!! Details posted for each city on Facebook
Los Angeles
Thank you to Sandy McElhany for this thought-provoking article;
One third of the way into following yet another killing season taking
place in Taiji, Japan, it is difficult to find a single word to
summarize the events that occur in a hidden cove in a small coastal
village. Bizarre? Sinister? Bloody? Tragic? Ghastly? Gruesome? All
of the above and then some?
On November 1, Ceta-Base, the online database of captive marine mammals around the world, reported on its facebook page:
2012/2013 Drive Fisheries page has been updated.
Since the start of the season on September 1st, 2012 a total of 407 dolphins from four species have been driven into the cove in Taiji, Japan. Of this total 156 were killed, 221 were released and 28 were live-capture, two additional animals died (one pilot whale after live-capture and one incidental death of a bottlenose following a drive). Species captured, sold & killed include: Bottlenose Dolphins (T. gilli), Risso's Dolphins (G. griseus), Short-finned Pilot Whale (G. macrorhynchus) and Striped Dolphins (S. coeruleoalba).
Among those who understand the intelligence and complex social
structures of these marine mammals is a group of scholars known as the
Helsinki Group, who came together in 2010 in Finland. Out of their
deliberations came a document known as the Declaration of Rights for Cetaceans:
Stay Passionate
Jackie Bigford
Dolphins Love Us - Twitter
Dolphins Love Us - Facebook
(e)Dolphins - Empire Avenue
- Every individual cetacean has the right to life.
- No cetacean should be held in captivity or servitude; be subject to cruel treatment; or be removed from their natural environment.
- All cetaceans have the right to freedom of movement and residence within their natural environment.
- No cetacean is the property of any State, corporation, human group or individual.
- Cetaceans have the right to the protection of their natural environment.
- Cetaceans have the right not to be subject to the disruption of their cultures.
- The rights, freedoms and norms set forth in this Declaration should be protected under international and domestic law.
- Cetaceans are entitled to an international order in which these rights, freedoms and norms can be fully realized.
- No State, corporation, human group or individual should engage in any activity that undermines these rights, freedoms and norms.
- Nothing in this Declaration shall prevent a State from enacting stricter provisions for the protection of cetacean rights.
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Save my family, We Matter #Dolphinsloveus |
Jackie Bigford
Dolphins Love Us - Twitter
Dolphins Love Us - Facebook
(e)Dolphins - Empire Avenue
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Join The World WIde Protest to #SaveJapansDolphins Day - Aug. 31st or Sept.1st 2012
We think~We feel~We matter
Please help Celebrate Japan Dolphins Day 2012 at a Japanese Embassy or Consulate near you! TO SEE A FULL LIST OF EVENT CITIES AROUND THE GLOBE, PLEASE CLICK Save Japan Dolphins Day below: this will take you to the Group on Facebook who have worked so hard to organize this event.
On August 31, 2012 rallies and peaceful protests will be held in front of Japanese Embassies & Consulates worldwide. The events are to protest the September 1 start of the annual Taiji dolphin cull as seen in the Academy-award winning documentary The Cove. The message is positive: Japan, le
Show them you care by taking part in one
of 93 peaceful protests and rallies scheduled for Japan Dolphins Day
2012 around the globe on August 31 & September 1. To find a peaceful
protest near you visit: Save Japan Dolphins Day Please help Celebrate Japan Dolphins Day 2012 at a Japanese Embassy or Consulate near you! TO SEE A FULL LIST OF EVENT CITIES AROUND THE GLOBE, PLEASE CLICK Save Japan Dolphins Day below: this will take you to the Group on Facebook who have worked so hard to organize this event.
On August 31, 2012 rallies and peaceful protests will be held in front of Japanese Embassies & Consulates worldwide. The events are to protest the September 1 start of the annual Taiji dolphin cull as seen in the Academy-award winning documentary The Cove. The message is positive: Japan, le
t the dolphins live & be free!
Will you join us? Will you help lead an event in your community? If so, please send a message to the Adminstrators at Save Misty The Dolphin or leave a note here on the event wall. We will work with you to help set-up your event on facebook, provide on-going technical assistance from now through August 31 & include your event in any official Japan Dolphins Day 2012 communications.
Japan Dolphins Day (JDD) was founded by Ric O'Barry and Save Japan Dolphins (SJD). WE are honored to again be working with SJD & an international team of organizations & activists to help make the 2012 Japan Dolphins Day the biggest & best GLOBAL event ever to raise awareness about the plight of dolphins in Taiji.
Will you join us? Will you help lead an event in your community? If so, please send a message to the Adminstrators at Save Misty The Dolphin or leave a note here on the event wall. We will work with you to help set-up your event on facebook, provide on-going technical assistance from now through August 31 & include your event in any official Japan Dolphins Day 2012 communications.
Japan Dolphins Day (JDD) was founded by Ric O'Barry and Save Japan Dolphins (SJD). WE are honored to again be working with SJD & an international team of organizations & activists to help make the 2012 Japan Dolphins Day the biggest & best GLOBAL event ever to raise awareness about the plight of dolphins in Taiji.
or check the list below:
Here are the local event listings as of TODAY:
Aarhus, Denmark:
Adelaide, Australia:
Auckland, New Zealand:
Bangkok, Thailand:
Barcelona, Spain:
Belfast, Northern Ireland:
Berlin, Germany:
Bogota, Columbia:
Buenos Aires, Argentina:
Brisbane, Australia:
Brussels, Belgium:
Calgary, Canada:
Cairns, Australia:
Canberra, Australia:
Central District, Hong Kong:
Cochabamba, Bolivia
Copenhagen, Denmark:
Cork City, Ireland:
Dublin, Ireland:
Durban, South Africa:
Dusseldorf, Germany:
Edinburgh, Scotland:
Edmonton, Canada:
Frankfort, Germany:
Glasgow, Scotland:
Halifax, Canada:
Hamburg, Germany:
Hervey Bay, Australia:
Istanbul, Turkey:
London, UK:
Marseille, France:
Mexico City, Mexico:
Milano, Italy:
Montevideo, Uruguay:
Oslo, Norway:
Ottawa, Canada:
Panama City, Panama:
Paris, France:
Pasay City, Philippines:
Perth, Australia:
Poole, England:
Porto Alegre, Brazil:
Pretoria, South Africa:
Quito, Ecuador:
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil:
San Jose, Costa Rica:
Santiago, Chile:
Sydney, Australia:
Tel Aviv, Israel:
The Hague, Netherlands:
Tokyo, Japan:
Toronto, Canada:
Vancouver, Canada:
Wellington, New Zealand:
United States:
Atlanta, Georgia:
Austin, Texas
Boerne, Texas:
Boston, Massachusetts:
Buffalo, New York:
Charlotte, North Carolina:
Chicago, Illinois:
Clarksville, Tennessee:
Cleveland, Ohio:
Columbus, Ohio:
Corpus Christi, Texas:
Cullman, Alabama:
Dallas, Texas:
Denver, Colorado:
Honolulu, Hawaii:
Houston, Texas:
Indianapolis, Indiana:
Jacksonville, North Carolina:
Lapeer, Michigan:
Lexington, Kentucky:
Los Angeles, California:
Memphis, Tennessee:
Meriden, Connecticut:
Miami, Florida:
Nashville, Tennessee:
New York, New York:
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma:
Olympia, Washington:
Pearl River, Louisiana:
Phoenix, Arizona:
Port Charlotte, Florida:
Portland, Oregon:
Prescott, Arizona:
San Diego, California:
San Francisco, California:
Seattle, Washington:
St. Petersburg, Florida:
Tybee Island, Georgia:
Washington, DC:
Please be sure to sign & share the petition from the folks at Take Part, The Cove & Save Japan Dolphins asking President Obama and the Japanese Embassador to the US to help stop the slaughter - let's reach the goal of 500,000 signatures by August 31. Go to:
Source for this Post: Facebook - Japan Dolphins Day 2012
For The Love of DolphinTuesday, April 10, 2012
Mother Grey Whale Lifts Her Baby - Incredible Whale Encounter
This is joyous and experience that these folks will never forget
For The Love of Dolphins
For The Love of Dolphins
Friday, January 27, 2012
Save the Dolphins of Japan #TheCove
This video is a direct result of the the Acadamy Award Winning Documentary "The Cove". Like many around the world I was horrified and sickened by the brutal annual slaughter that takes place in Taiji Japan.
I knew that I had to do something, so I started a Petition on Twitter and the people signing the petition wanted to know how their voices could be heard...that led to this video...we are just a group of people that want to let the people of Japan know what is happening in their waters...we wanted to share in the message that the world will not tolerate the senseless slaughter of our dolphin friends.
Dolphins are mammals and not fish and we need to educate the people of Japan.
Thank you to everybody who participated with this project. A huge thank you to Paul Steele who spent endless hours editing the huge amount of material that I sent him..without his passion and commitment to join me this video project would not have happened..I owe him a huge debt of gratitude.
The music interludes were graciously provided by the group The Watanabees and Laura Ashton!
The combined Twitter Reach of the people who participated in this video is well over 2 million and on Facebook it reaches several million as well.
I knew that I had to do something, so I started a Petition on Twitter and the people signing the petition wanted to know how their voices could be heard...that led to this video...we are just a group of people that want to let the people of Japan know what is happening in their waters...we wanted to share in the message that the world will not tolerate the senseless slaughter of our dolphin friends.
Dolphins are mammals and not fish and we need to educate the people of Japan.
Thank you to everybody who participated with this project. A huge thank you to Paul Steele who spent endless hours editing the huge amount of material that I sent him..without his passion and commitment to join me this video project would not have happened..I owe him a huge debt of gratitude.
The music interludes were graciously provided by the group The Watanabees and Laura Ashton!
The combined Twitter Reach of the people who participated in this video is well over 2 million and on Facebook it reaches several million as well.
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