Monday, December 17, 2012

Be Informed ~ When You Support #SeaWorld you Support This Horror in Taiji Japan

When you BUY A TICKET to Seaworld, a Swim With Dolphins Program, or support any Entertainment Venue that has captive dolphins for Entertainment you SUPPORT THIS MISERY AND HORROR at THE KILLING COVE TAIJI JAPAN

Reprinted from Facebook: Sea Shepherd

Today in Taiji: The plight, torment and destruction of this pod of over 200 Bottlenose Dolphins has been ongoing for 6 days now. 23 Dolphins were slaughtered, as the last of the captive dolphins were taken out of the killing cove by dolphin trainers. 2 juvenile dolphins died needlessly during the capture process this week. 8 were taken captive today; a staggering 101 juvenile dolphins have been captured altogether from this pod, displaying the true motive for the drive as the Fisheries Union stands to make millions from the horrific treatment of these animals.

These dolphins' torment will continue for the rest of their lives as they are forced to entertain the very same species that stole them from their home- the ocean.

Those dolphins that were too old and marked for a life in captivity, and escaped slaughter, were released back out to sea in an absolute frenzy- desperate to get as far away from the horrors from within the cove as possible.

They will now swim with 126 dolphins less than this time last week- a majority of these dolphins represented the next generation of their family- in the coming years, their pod size will dwindle considerably...

All of this death and destruction is the direct result of the captive dolphin industry- supporting these facilities and organisations supports the destruction of wild dolphin populations.

Make the right choice.

For livestream footage from today, head to:


Stay Passionate  ><((((º> ♥°°°

Never Give Up ~ We Speak For Their Very Existence 

Jackie Bigford

Dolphins Love Us Facebook Page

Dolphins Love Us Twitter



  1. This is unreal - I must admit that I have done the "seaworld" and "Swim with the dolphins" attractions - NO MORE!

    1. This cruel and inhumane practice goes on every year. It must be stopped. Don't visit amusement parks that keep dolphins. Don't swim with the dolphins. Dolphin families are ripped apart, traumatized, killed and even sold for meat. Help stop this senseless practice.

  2. Great cause Jackie, will try to help by sharing

  3. Chris Inman, that is music to my ears, the only way to end this misery is thru education and getting the message out ..we all love dolphins and want to interact with them and until we are informed, we have no thought as to where they come from. You may want to watch the Academy Award Winning Documentary "The Cove" and another great choice "A Fall From Freedom" #dolphinsloveus

  4. horrifying! I have never seen a dolphin in captivity and will continue to avoid any venue that has them.

  5. Same with the Elephants in Thailand, it's terrible what people will do to animals to make a quick buck

  6. This is shocking. I guess I assumed by visiting dolphins were helping them at these places but I did not know this is how they got the animals in the 1st place.

  7. Good cause. My heart goes out. Will share this.

  8. my heart is breaking when i read things like this. I never supported captivity of dolphins and never visited.....

  9. Following your blog Jackie and offcourse shared it all around too!

  10. This needs to get out and about....I will do my part.

  11. Shocking, will share.

  12. You have opened my eyes, the last time I went to Sea World was 27 years ago, and I will not ever set foot in there again. I had no idea they were responsible for the Cove until I met you on FB and EA. Now I too have become an advocate to stop this killing.

  13. Well done to fight for this cause, shared the post

  14. I've watched these wonderful sentient creatures in the wild, and I fully support your cause.

  15. Every day and in every way this is coming to an end. Keep getting the word out Jackie and everyone

  16. Thank you Jackie for following this cause... :-)

  17. You don't have to do this when you want to watch them. You can watch them in their natural habitat with whale watching argyll. You can watch them freely swim.
