Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Where Are The Stars - The Cove PSA

Dear Stars,
I saw your friends. They were not doing well and they wondered where you were. They really appreciated your little video encouraging others to help. I have a blog with a whopping 17 followers, so my reach is slightly limited compared to yours. But, I’m trying.

I watched as your friends were killed and wondered why you weren’t here for them. Your Friend Is . . . DEAD!
Thanks for making the P.S.A. I’m sure your friends appreciate it.
Mike Lorden, Cove Guardian

Is it possible that the stars in The Cove P.S.A. may have not actually seen the movie itself which would explain their reluctance to serve as Cove Guardians. I was wrong. Just over one year ago, Ben Stiller stated how he and his friends had seen ‘The Cove.” See video below:

Wait a second! Did I hear Ben Stiller say that the killing had stopped? This video was posted in November, 2009! Do you mean to tell me that no one has told Hollywood that dolphins are still being massacred? Is it truly possible that not a single animal-loving star has heard about the continued holocaust of Taiji, Hell? If that’s the case, we are doomed! Or should I say, many more intelligent cetaceans are doomed!
You know, maybe I am being too hard on them. Maybe it is our own fault that we would care too much while others don’t care enough or not at all. Maybe we should just be happy with what we have . . . a video:

Please feel free to share this post.  Thank you to my friend Holise E. Cleveland Cyber Whale Warrior for his tireless efforts to bring this horrendous issue to the forefront and for his generosity in sharing his posts with me. Thank you for stopping in to share your love of dolphins.

Jackie Bigford


  1. You go, Jackie! You just made my heroes list. HUGS!

  2. Thank you Holise..but I think it is the other way are so inspiring and give me hope that we will see this horrendous slaughter ended.

    I am now using the new #CoveStars on Twitter..lets see what we can accomplish together..lets see if we can get the attention of some of the very stars that say they support this!! You Rock!

  3. We will! If I have to give up eating and sleeping, we will!

  4. Some People May Ask, Why are some People So Passionate about getting Stars to Show Up at the Cove? It seems Evident to Me ... The Stars, or Celebs have Passionate Followers. They Make the News in any Action They Undertake. People Want to Hear About their Favorite Celebrities and they Relate to Them.

    If Stars Tell the World, they are Committed to Saving the Dolphins, and Show Up at the Cove, then the Press will too. And with their Presence on Site, so much more can be Accomplished, because the Media will be there documenting the event. When One Undertakes a Mission and goes to the place where the action is, they become truly Committed. Hopefully, They become part of the Happening, and Desire Even More to help Create a Necessary Change to Rectify and the situation. Most Often than Not, Stars have the Tools and Finance to Make things Happen.
