Saturday, August 6, 2011

Count Down to #TheCove - World-Wide Telephone Protest

Taken and reposted directly from FaceBook

05 August at 09:00 - 02 September at 12:00
Facebook /Telephone Protest
Created by:
Kirsten Massebeau

On September 1st 26 dolphin hunters, and the horrific Whale Museum open their Season . Each year 1000's of dolphins are slaughtered and captured for dolphinariums world wide in "The Cove" . Their methods of killing are cruel beyond the imagination as seen in the newly released video by Dieter Hagmann as he goes behind the blue tarp to film a dolphins worst nightmare (warning: graphic and disturbing)​/neu/atlanticblue_01.html

On September 1st the world is standing up for Dolphins. There are 24 Events listed on Save Japan Dolphins and more are being organized everyday.

For the rest of August let us call the Japanese Embassies Monday thru Friday World Wide. Let's make them aware that the world now knows the truth about Taiji, and how they are abusing, and brutally murdering the sacred dolphins.

Urge Japan stop the 26 dolphin hunters and the Whale Museum from bringing shame on Japan!

Australia + 61 (0) 262 7332 3244

Brazil +556134424200

Canada +1 613 241 8541

Ireland 3153 (0) 1 202 8300

India 00-91-11-2687-6581/
Japan 03-3224-5000

London + 44 (0) 207 465 6500

Mexico +525552110028

Netherlands +31703469544

New Zealand + 64 (0) 4 473 1540

France +33148886200

Italy +39-06-487-991

South Africa + 27 (0) 12 452 1500

Spain +34915907600

Sweden +46771235235

Thailand 02-207-8500 / 02-696-3000

Venezuela +81456632988

Washington D.C. +1202-238-6900

Contact Japan Directly - Phone Numbers and Emails

Contact Emails for Japanese Universities

Contact Emails for Japanese Embassy's Around the World

When you are contacting the Embassies please use this phrase: Iruka-No-Kokyo (it means, please do not kill dolphins)
Sample Open Letter to Japanese Consulate

The Dolphin Hunters do not care that they are brutally slaughtering pregnant females, babies and young dolphins. They Have No Voice, They Need Yours ><((((º> ♥°°°♫ ♫ .

Dolphins Love Us
DolphinsLoveUs on Facebook


  1. Excellent Post. Am using the info on this page to help spread awareness. Planning on attending the Sept 1st event in Houston Texas at the Japanese Embassy

  2. Thank you so much for spreading the word dear friend. September 1 is right around the corner. The dolphins need all the support they can get:

  3. It turned out very nice, Jackie! Beautiful!

    Robert Stroney
